Saturday, February 15, 2014

3 Ways Art & Music Reinforce Literacy Skills

Growing Roots

 Literacy is the root that supplies the skills necessary for mastery in all other subjects, and mastery depends on Art and Music as skill reinforcement.

3 Ways Art and Music Encourage Literacy

1.  Sensory Involvement:  The more senses you incorporate, the better the chances of mastery by allowing multiple opportunities to experience the topic.

2.  Positive Association:  A joyful experience creates a positive connection which ups the odds of retention.

TIP:  We devote Wednesday as Art and Music because it is a midweek morale booster:
  • We start the week looking forward to Art & Music Day.
  • We finish the week revamped from the excitement of Art & Music Day.

3.  Real World Application:  Art and music are a part of every day life, so it makes sense to use them as a catalyst.

Class Discussion

My kids love clay and paint.  What are the favorite mediums in your home?  Share in the comments!

Happy Homeschooling!
Mrs. Redd

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