Thursday, February 6, 2014

Who Are We, And Where Did We Come From?

As we study the great minds and events of our American and world history, we are also zooming in to take a closer look at who we are as family members and citizens of our community.

If you are just starting out on your home education adventure or need a fresh idea, look no further than your family and neighborhood.  

Photography School

We have been blessed with an abundance of family photographs, and our plethora of pictures is a genealogical gold mine.  We are in the organization and planning phase of an enormous family history project that could quite possibly carry us through until the kids graduate.

Not only will we use skills from all the academic subjects, but we will also create a family heirloom and tradition for generations to come.  I've even created a separate blog to journal the project.

Local Yocal

It would be impossible to attempt our family history project without delving into some local history and geography also.  

Thanks to the kid-friendly Grover Museum and Shelby County Public Library we can work on our projects as a family. 

Psst! The Grover Museum has free root beer floats in the Emporium of the Streets of Old Shelby exhibit on the third Saturday of every month!

Class Discussion

Let's take a roll call: post your state in the comments.

Happy Homeschooling!
Mrs. Redd

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